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The aim of the project is to work with established programs to provide resources to get internet in Rural regions and for Education in Africa.
Farming doesn’t just provide food, but income and prosperity. Good agriculture can change lives.
AEP, is a project of Africa Shapers, an international non-profit organization registered in Copenhagen, Denmark, The institute’s mission is to provide models and support for life-sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance.
Africa Shapers, an international non-profit organization registered in Copenhagen, Denmark, The institute’s mission is to provide models and support for life-sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance.
Training allows employees to develop their professional career over the long term.
Volunteering can make a real difference to your own life and the lives of those around you. If you are committed, motivated, and interested in becoming a volunteer for Africa Shapers, you can choose from different volunteering opportunities.