Educational Programs

Empowering Youth

Young people in Africa face numerous problems. However, unemployment seems to be the most challenging and tends to hit the youth the hardest. After finishing school with a weak orientation or without any, young people have difficulties in finding a job, especially a job in their field. In addition, the most difficult is to find the first job, since the majority of employers are looking for experienced workers. Limited job opportunities together with the gap between the education system in the African countries and labour market demands as well as the development of the international markets further complicate youth position and competitiveness. As a result, young people usually find low-paid and/or unreported employment, in a local café or store, for example. The money they earn is barely enough to be called pocket money. In such conditions, one cannot even think of establishing an independent life. Therefore, in search of a brighter future, youngsters increasingly decide to leave their native home and seek happiness in the countries of Europe taking a huge risk “Crossing the Mediterranean sea”

In Africa Shapers we are working every day, to build innovative and creative programs aiming to Oriente, empower youth and help them to find their way in their own countries as well as increasing the employability of young people and their competitiveness in the labor market.

Arts Education Program

The AEP program t is Formed by a group of passionate musicians and educators, the aim of the program is connect Creativity and Academics:
Increased self-confidence and self-understanding,
enhanced communication skills, and improved cognition are
among the many reasons for teaching the arts

Eco-Innovation Program

Eco-innovation Program is aimed at increasing the employability of young people and their competitiveness in the labour market. the program It has ambitious goals that match regional interests as well as influencing and improving youth policies.

Volunteer Teaching Program

Volunteering can make a real difference to your own life and the lives of those around you. If you are committed, motivated, and interested in becoming a volunteer for Africa Shapers, you can choose from different volunteering opportunities.

Sports Education Program

Youth Empowerment through Sport (YES) is a youth-led, youth-managed and youth-owned organization that is designed to give young people leadership skills to manage and run their own sporting activities, events and competitions, and also take charge of their lives.