Our Story

Connecting dots, patient, curriosity, love, adventure and willingness to share is what made us creat Africa Shapers.
We are a Danish Moroccan couple, we believe that from the picture you can know who is a Viking and who is a north african...
I Adnane, I am a social entrepreneur and a trainer, originally from the Moroccan desert, and I, Kristine, I am a finance controller with strong experience with public instututions an non-profit organisations.
We both used to be part of a student organisation called "AIESEC" and there, we met each other.
Adnane worked in different developement projects and countries in the african continent as from his home country Morocco to Algeria, Tunisia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mali, Somalia and Sudan
When Kristine as well used to work and live in Kongo and Bangladesh
By travelling separatly and together in many place around Africa, we both could see how many things are not working well, as climate change, poverty, immigration, inequality, polution... and we both agreed that sometimes with small actions we can bring an impact... therefore, we started by ourselves, and we have created Africa Shapers
With all what we could reach, we hope that we can inspire other people to join our community and bring great actions together as one


Our main goal is to improve their situations by assisting them, providing them the access to improved method as well as educating on best practice.


Our mission is to provide models and support for life-sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance.

At this time Africa Shapers has 4 projects operating in Morocco and two 2 programs lunched globally.


Our mission is to provide models and support for life-sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance.

At this time Africa Shapers has 4 projects operating in Morocco and two 2 programs lunched globally.

CORE VALUES OF Africa Shapers

We promote sustainability through our 4 projects and 4 education programs as well as our events.


Help & Share

We believe in helping where help is needed, even in far-away places, everyone can help someone.


Our experiences enable you to build confidence, develop new skills and gain a more holistic view of the world.


We believe that the most important thing is to enjoy our life - to be happy - it's all that matters.

Inspire others

We believe that music can inspire someone, the same way other artists inspire us. And as Stephen Covey said, Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.

As Sai Baba said
Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it
Our Supporters